Rolf A. Heckemann MD PhD
Department of Medical Radiation Sciences
Blå stråket 2B
Sahlgrenska University Hospital
413 45 Göteborg

Rolf A. Heckemann MD PhD
Professor of Medical Imaging and Image Analysis |
Professor of Medical Imaging and Image Analysis at University of Gothenburg, Sweden [since June 2013]
I am employed at the Department of Medical Radiation Sciences, Institute of Clinical Sciences, and based at MedTech West, a platform for research, education, development, and evaluation of new biomedical concepts and technologies.
Research Fellow (médecin chercheur) at the Neurodis Foundation, Lyon, France [2009-2013]
In the team of the Chair of Neuroimaging held by Professor Alexander Hammers, I carried out research, coordinated national and international collaborations, and supervised students, applying and expanding my expertise in MR image processing.
Research Associate, Imperial College London [2006-2009]
As a member of the PET Epilepsy Group within the Medical Research Council's Clinical Science Centre (MRC CSC) at Hammersmith Hospital, I continued my research on MR image segmentation under the supervision of Dr. Alexander Hammers.
Research Assistant, Imperial College London [2002-2006]
Carried out doctoral research on "Automatic information extraction from images of the human brain" under the supervision of Professor Joseph V. Hajnal. PhD awarded in 2007.
Principal Analyst, Medical Affairs [2002]
At IMM Ltd., a supplier of medical image management software solutions, I provided medical and educational expertise in the creation of an image-based teaching module.
Research Assistant, Imperial College London [2000-2002]
In the Department of Imaging, under the supervision of Professor David Cosgrove, I developed a markup vocabulary for describing teaching content in medical images and a computer-aided instruction software system to present image-based teaching content to learners.
Research Fellow, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, London [1997-1999]
In the Ultrasound Research Group led by Professor David Cosgrove, I carried out clinical research on the use of microbubble contrast agents in diagnostic ultrasonography.
Pre-registration House Officer, The Ayr Hospital, Scotland [1997]
Hospital-based junior doctor training in general surgery
Pre-registration House Officer, Stirling Royal Infirmary, Scotland [1996-1997]
Hospital-based junior doctor training in general medicine
Research Assistant, Abteilung für Pneumologie, Augusta Krankenanstalt Bochum, Germany [1995-1996]
Under the supervision of Professor John A. Nakhosteen, I carried out research into interventional ultrasonography of the chest wall and pleura. Awarded the title Doctor of Medicine cum laude from the University of Essen, Germany, in 1997.
Medical studies [1988-1995]
At Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany. Graduated as medical practitioner (Approbation als Arzt)
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